Our Latest Design + Build Project at the WTC


It’s accurate to say that 2020 was not the year any of us could have predicted. 

Looking back, we at Team MKJ are doing a collective exhale, having just completed a year of expedited schedules and essential work helping to keep the city functioning within safety guidelines. And for that, we are extremely grateful.

As we blitz through our 2021 commitments, we have a number of remarkable projects in the works, all backed by the additional six employees we’ve added to our staff in the last few months. As our amazing team continues to grow through a strong, internal training and development program, these projects are incredibly well supported – The MKJ Way, which means every single project is run by a team that is completely dedicated to the outcome our valued customers expect. 

We hope your year is already kicking 2020 in the pants, and MKJ is here to help you make it even more successful in any way we can.

Read below to learn what we’ve been up to, including Phase 1 of an integration project just completed at the WTC, Sahil – our Rockstar of the Month, and to see our elevated body temperature scanning system in action. 



MKJ has had the honor of working on many incredible projects for NYC agencies and the latest is at the top of our list – the design and construction of the Port Authority Police Department command and property management facility in the World Trade Center. 

What makes this project stand out? The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey is responsible for protecting not only our transit vehicles and stations, but also the millions of commuters and visitors who travel along our lines and use our services. No small feat.

The MKJ Team could not have been more excited to tackle the task of this design + build initiative for the PAPD. Working in tandem – designing and implementing in real-time with our partners, Securitas, TC Electric, and MLJ Contracting, we recently completed Phase 1. 

And thanks to the years of combined experience from all of our partners, this project was finished on time, despite all of the challenges thrown at it by COVID-19.

Overall, the project consisted of the design and construction of the 65,000 square-foot PAPD and PMF facilities in a highly constrained area in the West Bathtub of the World Trade Center site, with an additional two locations – The Police Desk, located at Tower 2 Level C2 and a 1,500 square-foot office space located at the SW corner of Oculus elevation 260’-0” denominated PAPD “HUB 2”. 

For this project, MKJ was responsible for the integration of the following systems:

  • Public address (PA) system

  • Radio

  • Surveillance CCTV / intercom system

  • The overall expansion of WTC current systems 

According to Besmir Ameti, Senior Project Manager at MKJ, “Taking their current system, figuring out how it worked, and then upgrading and integrating 20th century technology with limited options was challenging, especially since this project was categorized as “confidential privileged,” and required the design-build team to comply with security protocols specific for the WTC.”

Jose Moreno, Senior Project Manager added, “It was really amazing to work with our job partners to solve design and construction issues, even with the obstacles thrown at us due to the pandemic. It truly is a testament to the entire team and the amount of effort and teamwork that was required to complete Phase 1 to help support the PAPD.” 

*Due to the high level of security in this area, job site photos can’t be shared.

a stream of consciousness salute from our founder

If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of working with Sahil, I hope you will soon. When asked to describe him a huge smile came to my face, as these thoughts flooded my mind:

Kind. Smart.  In all situations calm… when emotions go high it’s been reported that he is the great neutralizer.  He dances well.  Motorcycle rider, a Ducati I think.  NYU graduate. Can work well with anyone and is an amazing collaborator and teammate.  He Immigrated from a beautiful town in India – that I’ve been told is truly iconic, named Udaipur.  Currently, he is bearded – lots of beard.  He laughs easily and did I mention smart?  When I think about MKJ Communications, Sahil is who we are

In addition to all the facts I’ve shared – he, like his colleagues, works incredibly hard to provide optimal outcomes in everything he does.  He has, in a very short time with MKJ, become an essential member of our team and among the most sought-after Project Managers in our vastly impressive group, of vastly impressive professionals.

Currently, Sahil is actively working on every single project we are currently completing for the NYCTA (yes actually). His experience working with the NYCTA is evolving at a neck-breaking, jaw-dropping, astounding pace… he is the definition of value-added. We are blessed to have him as part of our team, and yours.

elevated body detection

Monitoring the health of incoming staff and visitors has become a critical task for organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic, and corporations are now expected to provide adequate screening.

MKJ can help you integrate the latest screening technologies, as we’ve partnered with the highest quality vendors, offering us various options to accomplish screening in the most cost-effective way.

Watch our 60-second video HERE to learn more about how we can help your business integrate this state-of-the-art technology. 

Whether we’ve been working together for years, or our relationship is just getting started, we want you to know that we’re always available to connect on how we can work together to support your design + build project, partner together on a new venture, or give you a tour of our in-house fabrication suite.

Please reach out to sales@mkjcomm.com with any questions about the projects or technology incorporated above.

Have a great rest of your week,

Jennifer and Team MKJ

PS – Have you seen our new website? Check it out HERE