Yes, as in – it’s actually been 17 whole years that MKJ has been providing excellent outcomes to and for the NYC Transit sector.
Personally, May and June are flooded with anniversaries and celebrations. Annually I find myself deep in self-reflection on life’s amazing collection of milestone moments: births, weddings, first kisses, babies, school plays, goals, graduations – and, oh, yeah- that time,17 years ago, when I quit my easy-peasy job to create a different kind of engineering company.
I start most days with a gratitude list – stopping to remember and celebrate my journey and honoring my roles as a mom, wife, professional, daughter, sister, survivor, advocate, champion, mentor and friend. Balance and boundaries within these roles are my goal, and thankfully my reality aligns with attributes that served me incredibly well in the assembling of the best team, customers and vendors in the formation of MKJ 17 years ago.
The ‘we’ that is the MKJ organization is straightforward, uncomfortably honest, solution focused, creative and always in the moment – on the go and in service for others and each other.
So as I stand atop this incredible milestone, I can honestly share that the view of this 17th rotation is stunning. For miles in every direction, I see hard-working, diligent, smart, creative, supportive, team-oriented and honest people. My brilliant staff, my amazing customers, my faithful and generous vendors, and all those who are the rebar in the foundation of the M, the K, and especially the J – thank you.
The pride of completing a 17th year is actually… I have no words.
Customers…we got this! We always have and continue to take your feedback as the trampoline that propels us to be our better, best, bestest selves. We use it to formulate our reviews, training, and processes – literally twirling us, the spaghetti, around you the fork, because it’s our stated goal to make it incredibly hard for you to choose to work with anyone else.
Also, we won’t – and don’t – work for just anyone. The alignment of ethos, work ethic, and outcomes makes our shared success a reality time and again; even on the hard ones. We finish what we start, influenced by our outcomes, to bring positive closure to every project.
Vendors…without you, we’d be just like every dude repurposing a basement full of junk. Thank you for selecting and partnering with us, trusting that our use of your parts and pieces will be integrated into a complete, thoughtful design and fabricated into the highest quality outcome. Creating the solutions for our end users’ BIG problems requires a deep well of vast knowledge; we value your products and contributions. We will continue to train our staff, ensuring that our knowledge is current and that we represent you. Together we are truly the sum of your parts.